
Johannesburg – Key host for football world cup 2010

Africa is all set to host ultimate treat for football lovers .Johannesburg is the key hostcity for football world cup 2010 and is determined to welcome football freaks fromall over the world. With distinctive and gripping African pulse, continent’s premiertown is on the track of showing its unrivalled opportunities and potential to the wholeworld.

This city will play an important role in hosting opening ceremony and will serve asa venue for final matches and preliminary rounds. Quarter final matches will beconducted at the city stadiums too. The place will provide training venues for thevisiting teams. Johannesburg is making sure that the preparations for this big eventare finished on time. The preparations also include venues being upgraded and madeready for football world cup.

Two stadiums of Johannesburg will be used for the world cup- Soccer City and EllisPark stadiums. Soccer city is jewel in Johannesburg’s crown which has capacity ofaccommodating around 94,700 people. This place will provide an excellent springboard for magnificent tournament. Ellis Park stadium is situated a great location thatis just 15 minutes away from city center, Johannesburg. For the 2010 World Cup,capacity has been increased to total of 60,000.

The climate of this place is famous for sunny and wonderful dry summers. Someafternoons also witness downpours. This beautiful city also boasts a great touristspots. Johannesburg will not fail to provide football lovers with a lovely visual treatwhile they travel to this city for world cup 2010.

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